About Us
At Last Bees our dream is big but simple. We want our food source to be more sustainably healthier and affordable to the consumers. Last Bees helps bridges these factors by adapting metaverse technology to benefit the real-world farmers and consumers. We bring together great farming minds together who understands ecological farming concepts in addition to organic practice. Which basically needs understanding and considering the entire ecosystem while farming in accordance with the surrounding natural life.
Most of our farmers are small or mid-sized. As most large farms follow industrial agricultural approach which is unsuitable and unable to adapt sustainable farming due to market condition.
Our Concept
Last Bees is a combination of both real and virtual world farm project to provide real farm experience to the users/players. The highlight of the Last Bees is the users will be virtually transformed into real farmers and immerse themselves directly into farms to grow their own crop for food or for commercial purpose. Last Bees facilitates anyone to farm anywhere on earth without needing farmland, prior farm experience, or huge investment. Farmers across the globe will participate in the Last Bees project crop production. Last Bees provides win-win for both farmers and consumers/players. Farmers benefits from funds available for the crop and consumers/players benefits from making their fun & passion into business and food.
For now, only real-world farms are involved with selected crop types for minimum risk against any crop failures and for easy selling. The user can own the listed crops based on plot size and will experience the entire crop cycle remotely through pictures/videos taken and shared every 2 weeks. The user will also gain real farming knowledge and able to see their crop status. Strictly all the crops will be grown organically using agroecology techniques. When the crops are harvested the user will get 3 options. Either use it (based on farm geographical location) or sell to others (Last Bees platform will aid with sales) or sell back to Last Bees at bulk price.
Coming soon in the Last Bees project is, both real world and metaverse model will be combined in one platform. Users/players will have blockchain based non-fungible tokens (NFT), cryptos, Last Bees Tokens in addition to traditional fiat currency for investing in farms and other farms related products across the world. We believe when passion, gaming and technology come together it can uplift the small and poor farmers across the world and provides holistic experience to the users/players in learning real farming and making real business in both real and virtual world.